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We are revolutionizing measurement everywhere!

MallenSense is worldwide and is made up of bright, passionate people who want to invest their time in making process control safer.  Our global analytical instrumentation, and process automation products and solutions are at work all over the world delivering innovative and differentiated analysis and measurement solutions that add high value to our customers.

We are committed to manufacturing and developing innovation that helps our customers create the products and services that make our lives better and protects our environment.  With continued pursuit, our strategic and global expansion offers significant future opportunities across the value chain for our customers, our channel partners and our suppliers.  We know your process and how critical it is for you to protect precious and limited resources. 


MallenSense Analytical Solutions are important to your process optimization and safety:


    Years of


    For decades, our analytical solutions are typically more accurate than other competitive solutions.  Our unmatched precision measurements will keep your plant, process, the environment, and people safe.


    Delivering continuous, real-time analytical solutions makes time-sensitive experiments or simulations easy.

    Improved Process Control

    Gas analysis solutions that provide real-time data on the composition of gases used in industrial processes, allowing for better process control and optimization. This leads to increased efficiency, reduced waste, and improved product quality.

    Enhanced Safety

    Gas analysis solutions that can detect potentially hazardous gases and alert operators to potential safety risks, helping to prevent accidents and protect personnel and equipment.

    Regulatory Compliance

    Gas analysis solutions that can help companies meet regulatory requirements for emissions monitoring and control, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and avoiding fines or penalties.

    Cost Savings

    Gas analysis solutions that can help companies identify opportunities for cost savings by optimizing processes, reducing waste, and minimizing energy consumption.

    Predictive Maintenance

    Gas analysis solutions that can provide insights into the health and performance of equipment, allowing companies to proactively identify and address issues before they become costly problems.

    Contact Us

    • For a complete range of analytical instrumentation, applications, systems, and service options, please contact us. We will work to match your needs and budget and provide the optimal, and most stable process analysis solution for your application.

    1601 Cranbrook Dr., Troy, MI 48084

    (248) 202-1103


    (248) 202-1103

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